Application Of Essential Oils

Application Of Essential Oils
Choose your application method depending on the desired effect and the essential oil used. Some essential oils are irritating when used undiluted, so you may need to apply them by inhalation or highly diluted with carrier oils or water. If you are unsure which application method to use, consult an experienced aromatherapist.

Which Application Method To Use
Choose your application method depending on the desired effect and the essential oil used. Some essential oils are irritating when used undiluted, so you may need to apply them by inhalation or highly diluted with carrier oils or water. If you are unsure which application method to use, consult an experienced aromatherapist.
Inhaling Essential Oils
Essential oils can be inhaled using a variety of techniques and devices:
· Diffuser: Essential oils are placed in a diffuser device, with heat or water so they evaporate.
· Dry Evaporation: Several drops of essential oil are placed on a cotton ball or tissue and allowed to evaporate into the air.
· Steam: Drops of essential oil are added to a bowl of steaming water, which quickly vaporizes the oil. You then place a towel over your head and over the bowl of water with essential oil drop(s) and breathe deeply.
· Spray: Drops of essential oils are placed in a water-based solution, shaken, and sprayed into the air in order to deodorize a room or set a mood.

Applying Essential Oils Topically
Essential oils can be applied to the skin using a variety of techniques, however, most essential oils must be diluted before applying directly to the skin. Here are various methods of topical application:
- Compress: The essential oil is diluted in a liquid carrier (water or oil) and applied to a dressing or directly to the affected area. Optional heat or cold can be
- Gargle: Drops of essential oil are added to You mix, then gargle the solution and spit it out. Do NOT swallow it.
- Bath: Drops of essential oils are added to bath water in a dispersant or in bath salts immediately before stepping This method results in absorption through the skin, as well as inhalation of the volatilized essential oil.
- Massage: Drops of essential oil are added to a natural carrier oil and applied to skin areas with gentle
How To Dilute Essential Oils
Essential oils should be diluted in a carrier substance like coconut oil, vegetable oil, nut oil, or water at no greater concentration than 3%.
A 3% solution would be equivalent to 1tsp. of carrier substance to 3 drops essential oil. For massage or application over large areas of the body, a 1% solution (one drop of essential oil in one tsp. of carrier substance) is generally a safe concentration. Just remember that if you use water as a carrier, be sure to shake or mix your solution well before application.